Inching On


Bust   44″ now 41″   April 41″ = stayed the same

Rear 47″ now 41.75″  April 43.75″ =  increase by 2″

Waist  42″ now 35.75″ April 37″ = increase by 1.25″

Arms  17″ now 14.25″ April 14.75″ = increase by .5″

Thigh   29.5″ now 24″ April 24″ = stayed the same

Calves  20″ now 18.75″ April 19″ = increase .25″

 BMI  37   now 31.9 April 32.7 = .8 increase

Pants  14/16 now 12/14 = stayed the same but tighter fit

Shirt  XL now L = stayed the same but tighter fit

Total measurable loss   26.5″ and 32.4#  April 22.5″ and 27# 

Miles ran: 36 /700 for 2014photo


I have given a lot of my mental energy to thinking about my foot and the if/when it’s ever going to feel better. The reality is that it will just take time, there is nothing more I can really do to aid in its recovery.

I have tried to blame a love-loss with Weight Watchers, no space in the house to work out, blah, blah, blah….I am the only person to blame for where I am at now.

Yesterday morning I took pictures and measurements again. I can see where my dedication last summer slimmed my waist. I can feel it too, I feel so soft. My back was aching yesterday and I was having a little at home yoga session and I could I feel the “chunkiness” in my breath.  After that I realized my success really does lay in my hands. So I lovingly packed my lunch for work. Cut up the fruits that I picked for this week at the store, and had a little talk with myself about my goals and where I want to be; reminding myself that little changes, over time make the most impact, that the 4% of a day I know I need to feel good about myself is manageable….and at 4:30 this morning I pulled myself out of bed and stepped out the front door and logged a run. I was very happy with my pace at 12:12/mile, even better I was able to lay back down for a few minutes before I had to get dressed.

I have a sensible meal packed and dinner planned.

Nana used to say “Yard by yard, life is hard; Inch by Inch, life is a sinch.” I’m sure someone famous is responsible for that quote, but she is the one I heard it from.

So inch on I tell me, inch on.




6 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Cat Hiles
    Apr 07, 2014 @ 14:13:52

    Great job! It can be challenging to get up early and run, but it’s so worth it!


  2. weight2lose2013
    Apr 07, 2014 @ 22:38:28

    I’m not an early bird, so I know how difficult it is to get up and exercise. Cat is right, it’s so worth it. Great job!


  3. Lauren Greene
    Apr 08, 2014 @ 01:10:13

    You’re doing a great job! Keep it up and you will see results. I’m in the same place you are, struggling to get back in the routine and trying to “see” the results. But they will come if you live a healthy life, exercise and eat right. Inch by inch!!! Proud of you, girl!


  4. weight2lose2013
    Apr 09, 2014 @ 01:56:15

    Hi Aubrey, I’ve nominated you for a Wonderful Team Membership award. I hope that you don’t mind!


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